

I have been feeling so spent. Like, I'm always restless, always tired but I can never get back to sleep when I wake up. I think the 10-10MW, 1-9Tues schedules are starting to hit - and it's only the third week of school! WTF (exhaust)(sweat)
I've actually gotten a good amount of things in the mail, but I'm far too lazy to take pictures of them: just a g-market order and sasa.
But I won't leave yall with a boring pictureless post.
Lookit these cute little paper holder things. I pretty much bought it just b/c they are super cute. But I justified it with the fact that I do need to separate my papers from each class, and this will help me be more organized. Haha (sweat)
And lookit this! I bought these b/c I really just wanted to know what they were. I initially thought they were little pen refill things. But when I got home and opened it up, I realized that they are actually really thin pens! Super cute!! (adore)~ Like, you'd think that they're shitty pens, but they're actually really smooth and pigmented. (stars)
But most importantly, my boyfriend's car broke down last Friday (disappoint). It's especially upsetting for me because he was driving up to come see me. /sigh. Like, if he wasn't coming up to see me, his car wouldn't have broken down. Not only that though, but it seems when things go bad for him, things go BAD. His car broke down, then his phone was acting up and he couldn't make calls for the dang tow truck. He was lucky to have even been able to call me! To admit, at first I thought he was fucking around and so I wouldn't take him seriously, but then I'd tried to call/text him and he wouldn't answer. So my paranoia starting taking over. I was all like, "What if he's stranded and he's getting robbed right now, all because I thought he was messing with me." So then I started to freak and like a reliable girlfriend I drove down to get him. It was my first time driving on Cali freeways (content). Reason being, my car has a messed up axle and a bunch of other kinks (it's a '93 Corolla, yup that baby is frikkin 18 years old). Plus, I just get anxious driving anywhere, especially by myself. /shrug. And then when I actually got there it took a couple of HOURS just waiting for the tow truck (annoy).
But truthfully, it wasn't a big deal for me, especially when I saw my boyfriend. He told me, "You know how girls always talk about guys being their knight in shining armor? Well today you were my knight in shining armor." And that really just made my day. I know that he'd do whatever he could in his power to help me when I'm in need, and to be honest, he's always done everything himself (it's just in his nature to not ask for help sometimes), and I was very much happy to have been able to help him. Ok, enough of that.